Other Support Links

Action on Pre-Eclampsia (APEC)

Helps and supports women who have had or are worried about pre-eclampsia, HELLP Syndrome and pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH).

Antenatal Results and Choices (ARC)

Information and support for parents throughout antenatal testing and when a significant abnormality is detected in the unborn baby. (Formerly called SATFA)

Baby MPS (Mailing Preference Service) online

Free site where parents can register online to stop or at least reduce baby-related mailings of samples, offers, advertisements etc.

Counselling Directory

A confidential service that encourages those in distress to seek help. The directory contains information on many different types of distress, as well as articles, news, and events

BLISS the premature baby charity

Support, advice and information for families of babies in intensive care and special care, including bereaved families.

British Humanist Association

Has a network of accredited funeral officiants who can help to plan and conduct a non-religious funeral ceremony.

Happy Hands

Source of the Babysafe inkless system for taking hand and foot prints.

Natural Death Centre

Advice for families and others on burial in a woodland or nature reserve site and on organising informal and environmentally-friendly funerals.

Now I lay me down to sleep

An American website that puts bereaved parents in touch with professional photographers who will take photographs of their babies at little or no cost. Site shows examples of photographs of babies of all gestations. Click on Find a photographer > United Kingdom for a short list of UK photographers.

Winston’s Wish

Helps bereaved children and young people rebuild their lives after a family death. Offers practical support and guidance to families, professionals and anyone concerned about a grieving child.

Tommy’s Campaign

Clarissa Music

a website where a CD of music is being sold to support SANDS.