Category Archives: Research

Maternity Review Consultation

As part of the review of maternity services currently being held by the NHS Maternity Review, an online questionnaire has been created for parents who experienced complications in pregnancy, neonatal admission after their baby’s birth, or whose baby died at any point during pregnancy or shortly after birth.

If you received care from an NHS England maternity unit and would like to share your views on the services you received you can do so through this online questionnaire. The survey has been developed in partnership with Sands and Bliss.

Views will be treated as confidential. The survey closes on 30 November 2015.

More information about the Maternity Review can be found at

Teardrop Sticker Survey

The Improving Bereavement Care Team at Sands is currently working to develop an electronic version of the Sands Teardrop Sticker for medical notes. These stickers have been developed as a notification system for parents’ medical notes following the death of their baby. The sticker is intended to alert healthcare professionals to the parent’s loss in order to avoid distressing situations and inappropriate questions during follow up appointments and subsequent pregnancies.
Sands are looking for bereaved parents to spend five minutes where possible for their input to aid the development of this resource.
The survey can be accessed here